ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 Standards
After all these years you probably recognize the logo, but it’s likely that not many of us are familiar with the details behind the ENERGY STAR label. ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sponsored program that includes a broad range of organizations, and which provides a database of product performance information to assist homeowners in making purchasing decisions. The goal of ENERGY STAR is “to deliver cost-saving energy efficiency solutions that improve air quality and protect the climate.”
The requirements to earn ENERGY STAR recognition are always evolving as energy efficiency standards continue to increase, however, when you see that label on a product you know that it is considered to be on the higher end of the efficiency scale. ‘ENERGY STAR Most Efficient’ products meet an even higher level of criteria, and our team feels it might be helpful for you to learn more.
History of ENERGY STAR
The ENERGY STAR program was introduced in 1992 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and initially applied only to a few office products such as printers and computer monitors. It quickly expanded, adding many new categories over subsequent years. Standards for ENERGY STAR recognition are now updated on virtually an annual basis, so the criteria from year to year may vary. Products that are currently assessed under the ENERGY STAR umbrella include refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, windows and sliding doors, ceiling and exhaust fans, televisions, computer monitors, and more. Furnaces, boilers, central and ductless air conditioners and heat pumps, and water heaters, all of which fall under our umbrella at Save Home Heat Company, are also considered for ENERGY STAR labeling.
ENERGY STAR has been adopted in Canada as well as the European Union (EU), and is of one of several trusted ways for consumers to compare different brands and designs of products in an objective manner. The presence of the ENERGY STAR label on products that you are considering purchasing can help you make informed decisions that will save you money and align your home with the environmental goals of the EPA.
1992 Logo
1997 Logo
2002 Logo
Notable ENERGY STAR milestones
- 1992: The EPA launches the ENERGY STAR label
- 1994: Over 2,000 ENERGY STAR qualified products are on the market
- 1995: Heat pumps and furnaces are introduced as product categories. ENERGY STAR certification for homes is launched
- 1996: Dishwashers, refrigerators, room air conditioners, and boilers are introduced as product categories
- 1998: TVs, VCRs, windows, doors, and roofing products are introduced as product categories. ENERGY STAR for office buildings is introduced
- 2000: The EU adopts ENERGY STAR labeling
- 2001: The U.S. and Canada announce ENERGY STAR partnership
- 2002: Commercial HVAC systems introduced as product categories
- 2005: Americans have purchased more than 2 billion ENERGY STAR certified products since 1992
- 2008: ENERGY STAR updates existing standards in several categories including TVs, telephones, light bulbs, dehumidifiers, and refrigerators
- 2011: Third-party certification program introduced for over 60 product categories. ‘ENERGY STAR Most Efficient’ program launched
- 2012: 20th anniversary of ENERGY STAR
- 2015: 20th anniversary of ENERGY STAR Certified Homes program
- 2016: Seven more categories are added to program, including electric vehicle chargers, coffee makers, and WFi thermostats. Standards are raised for several product categories, including computer displays, dishwashers, dehumidifiers, and windows. Standards for many categories continue to be updated over the next four years
- 2018: Americans have purchased more than 6 billion ENERGY STAR certified products since 1992
’ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020’ Standards
The requirements for ENERGY STAR and ENERGY STAR Most Efficient recognition continue to evolve year after year, and ‘Most Efficient 2020’ is no different. In 2020, only the highest performing products and systems have earned this special recognition, meeting or exceeding all of the strict criteria set forth by ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 in their specific categories. For homeowners in the Denver-Boulder area, our expert home comfort team at Save Home Heat would be glad to assist you in getting your arms around what the ENERGY STAR and ENERGY STAR Most Efficient labels will mean to you and your home when considering new heating and cooling products.
‘ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020’ criteria for popular products that our team installs and services include:
(But don’t sweat all the alphabet stew! In the Denver-Boulder area, our friendly team at Save Home Heat would be glad to help translate their meaning so you can make an informed decision about what makes sense for your home.)
- Gas Furnaces – AFUE efficiency rating of 97% or higher
- Gas Boilers – AFUE of 95% or higher
- Traditional Central Air Conditioners – minimum efficiency ratings of 18 SEER and 13 EER
- Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps – minimum 20 SEER and 12.5 EER (both for cooling), and 10.0 HSPF (for heating)
- Central Heat Pumps – minimum 18 SEER and 12.5 EER for cooling, and 9.6 HSPF for heating
In some cases there are additional criteria that must also be satisfied (such as internal setup and diagnostic programs, and satisfying program partner requirements) in order to qualify for the prestigious ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 label.
Save Home Heat Company Installs ‘ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020’ and Much More!
At the top end of our product line, ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020 labels can be found on some of our most popular furnaces, boilers, and central and ductless air conditioners and heat pumps. ENERGY STAR labeling can also be found throughout our broad product line of moderate and high efficiency systems. But don’t expect a hard sell for Most Efficient 2020 products from our comfort advisers when you have us out for a free install quote for your home in the Denver-Boulder area. There are many cases where it makes good sense to consider these great products, but not always. For example, why invest in an ultra-efficient system if you plan to move within five years? Better to hold off until you’re settled in your dream home for a longer haul. There’s plenty of other high quality options, and our team always focuses on what best fills our customers’ specific needs.
Please contact me to schedule a free installation quote, or to schedule a service call!