Denver’s Best in Water Treatment Services
Improving your residential water quality can add to the safety and overall quality of life you experience in your home. Our experienced, highly reputable team at Save Home Heat Company offers household water testing and whole-house water softener and water filter installations if you have water quality issues in your home in Denver, CO that need to be addressed.
Our plumbing team will assist you in identifying any potential contaminants in your water and help match you and your home with solutions that make the most sense for you to consider. Save Home Heat Company has been serving the needs of Denver-Boulder area homeowners for over four decades, and you can count on our strong commitment to customer satisfaction and honest, professional service.
Water Softeners vs. Water Filters
While both whole-house water softeners and whole-house water filters both address water quality issues, they perform far different tasks. Once you have a better idea of your potential water quality issues, it will be important to understand the function of these different products before diving in. In some cases, a combination of both products might be the best approach to address your full scope of water quality concerns. Accurate water testing will direct the discussion.
Whole-House Water Softeners
Denver area homeowners may be familiar with ‘hard water,’ which is the result of minerals such as calcium and magnesium being present in high levels in your water. Hard water, which often leaves behind its companion, limescale, can be a major annoyance and cause a host of unwanted effects. These issues can range from soap scum deposits in your sinks and tubs, powdery deposits around faucets and showerheads, to dry skin and hair. But that’s just the beginning: Limescale from hard water can cause premature failure of water valves in dishwashers, washing machines, icemakers and water dispensers, as well as causing seal and gasket failure in faucet, shower and other water controls. Lastly, hardness can impact the performance and shorten the life of one of your most important plumbing appliances, your water heater – even the very copper piping that delivers water all around your home.

Whole-House Water Filters

While whole-house water softeners deal with the minerals that cause hard water, a whole-house water filter addresses a wide range of other substances that may be found in your water supply. These potential contaminants include chlorine, arsenic, rust, pesticides, among many others. Whole-house water filters can even address taste and odor issues. A whole-home water filtration system can be tailored to remove the specific contaminants present in your water.
Your water can contain varying levels of:
- Chlorine (fairly common from municipal water treatment)
- Organic chemicals
- Pesticides
- Fertilizers and plant hormones
- Carbon
- Sulfate
- Phosphorous
- Arsenic
- Fluoride
- Heavy Metals
Contact Our Water Quality Team!
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Filters

You can depend on our team to install high quality point-of-use reverse osmosis (RO) water filters. These are great filtration solutions for a wide range of spots around your home that see high water consumption, especially kitchens. RO water filters provide extremely pure water, and are a great complement to any whole home water treatment system. When used together with a whole-home filtration system, a point-of-use RO water filter will likely require maintenance less frequently, too. A nice bonus with the purest water you can achieve!
Point-of-use RO water filters are especially beneficial in kitchens and other areas where you see regular water consumption (rec room bars come to mind!). RO water filters are a great addition to virtually any whole house water treatment system.
Effective Lead and PFAS Removal from Your Water
Our water treatment team at Save Home Heat Company is on the cutting edge of research and development in the removal of harmful substances such as lead and PFAS chemicals from home water supplies. Please reach out to us today to learn about highly effective, custom water filtration solutions for these and other chemicals and elements of concern!
Expert Home Water Testing and Product Installation in Denver
The first step in determining whether or not a whole-house water filter or water softener is right for your home is having your water tested. Save Home Heat Company provides Denver homeowners with hassle-free, dependable water testing services, either in-home or employing the services of a state-accedited laboratory, if necessary. Once we have a clear picture of the makeup of your home’s water, we’ll provide you with this information, carefully review it with you, and take the time to answer any and all of your questions.
Recommendations and free quotes that we supply for possible solutions will be presented in a friendly, low-pressure manner, with the focus on enabling you to make an educated decision on how you feel comfortable proceeding. Our plumbers never have a ‘sales agenda’ in their conversations with our customers. Our only focus is on helping you make a decision that you will feel comfortable with, regardless of whether or not that involves a new product installation. Each home and family has its own set of circumstances, concerns and desires, and you can trust our team to make recommendations that are tailored for your unique situation.
Water Quality Association Certified!
Our water quality team is led by a Water Quality Association certified Master Water Specialist, one of very few in the entire state of Colorado. The WQA is a worldwide organization serving the water quality industry for over 50 years, representing over 2,500 manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, and distributors.
The focus of the Water Quality Association is on the betterment of water quality, improving awareness and knowledge of water quality issues, and providing sustainable solutions and technologies.
With multiple Master Plumbers on our staff, along with a highly experienced, certified Master Water Specialist, our team at Save Home Heat is uniquely qualified to solve your home water quality concerns!
Our Expert Water Treatment Services Include
- Complete water testing services handled for you by our team
- Standard & enhanced performance whole-house water softeners
- Reverse osmosis (RO) filtration systems
- Remediation of unhealthy bacteria in household water
- Custom-designed filtration systems, employing high quality, industry-standard components, closely targeting priority needs for our customers
- PFAS chemical water filters
- Chlorine, sediment, rust, iron, lead, and other heavy metals filtration
- Water alkalizers, pH adjustment, carbon filtration (for taste and odor), UV treatment, remineralizers & more!
Expertly Servicing All Brands!
Denver’s Trusted Plumbing Services
Since 1979, Save Home Heat Company has helped Denver area homeowners achieve higher levels of safety, comfort, efficiency, and convenience in their homes. We operate by the highest standards of customer service and professionalism. All members of our team strive on a daily basis to exceed your expectations whenever you give us the opportunity to work in your home. Whether it’s a water treatment system for your entire home, or any of our other highly rated services, please speak our team today and see the difference that our highly customer-focused process will make for you and your home.
Our Complete Line of Quality Home Services Includes:
- AC Repair, Maintenance, and Installation – Ductless & Central Systems
- Furnace, Boiler, and Heat Pump Repair, Maintenance, and Installations
- Hot Water Baseboard and Radiant Floor Heating System Service & Installation
- Household Plumbing Services
- Complete Residential Electrical Services
- Central Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Products
- Water Heater Repairs & Installation – Standard, High Recovery, Tankless, and more