January 22, 2016

Thinking about Your AC Unit in the Winter

While it may be cold outside and you have the heater blasting, now is the perfect time to consider pre-scheduling annual AC maintenance--or, installing a new or replacement central or ductless air conditioner in your home. During the wintertime,...

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July 28, 2015

Protecting Your Air Conditioner from Lightning

They say that lightning never strikes the same place twice, but this isn't exactly true. Environmental and structural factors can attract lightning, and though it is uncommon for people to be struck by lightning in Colorado, our homes and...

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July 7, 2015

How Air Conditioning Changed Us Forever

Every once in a long while we see entrepreneurs and inventors make products so incredible that they forever change the lifestyle of our civilization. The air conditioner is no exception, and it has changed how we behave. In 1961,...

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April 24, 2015

Cooling Efficiency For A Colorado Summer

Summer is almost here, but that doesn't mean you need to be blasting the AC at all hours of the day and consequently pay high energy bills. Energy inefficiency and overusing your air conditioner is bad for the environment...

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