January 6, 2017

Does My Water Heater Need An Expansion Tank?

In the Colorado Front Range, the simple answer to the question posed above, is 'yes.' While expansion tanks traditionally have been associated with hot water based home heating, i.e. central boiler systems with hot water baseboards and/or infloor tubing,...

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September 23, 2016

Does My Home Plumbing Need To Be Inspected This Year?

Most homeowners are aware that their heating and cooling systems require annual inspection and servicing, but did you know that your domestic plumbing system—whose 'season' is every day of the year!—will benefit from a thorough annual look? Let's learn...

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June 14, 2016

The Benefits of a Low-Flush Toilet

With steady population growth along the Colorado Front Range, and increasingly unpredictable climate and weather trends, water conservation continues to be a growing area of concern for current and future Colorado homeowners. Using less water every time you flush...

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April 20, 2016

3 Causes of Water Corrosion in Your Home

Water corrosion occurs when water reacts with refined metal or another vulnerable material and returns that material to a more stable state. Rust is one of the most recognizable examples of corrosion, but several sources of corrosive water exist....

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